Pet Food Drive

Want to hold a Pet Food Drive for ARRI?

Food drives provide critical infusions of food and supplies to our shelter and Pet Food Pantry programs. There is no food drive too small!

Anyone who’s interested can hold a pet food drive. You can hold it at your work, school, community gathering space, or basically anywhere where you have permission to set out a donation box and solicit donations from others. 

The most effective way to hold a successful food drive is to make sure you get out the word to your community that you’re looking for donations, and  be sure to let them know where and when to drop it off. 

If you need suggestions about what you should ask people to bring to your food drive, please use our wishlist as a guide.

We recommend highlighting cat food, as that’s our biggest need, but any and all pet food is accepted.

In addition to dogs and cats, the shelter frequently takes in rabbits and guinea pigs, so pellets, hay and small animal toys/habitat items are needed. Our pet food pantry also assists owners of other small pet mammals and fish, so any food, toys or habitat items for those pets are welcome.

Do I need to coordinate with ARRI ahead of time?

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have, but you do not need to coordinate your food drive with us. However, if you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Madeline at 401-783-7606, ext. 112 or at

Please let us know ahead of time if you’ll be dropping off a large donation so we can get some carts ready and help you carry the items into the shelter! 

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