ARRI ANIMAL SCHOLARS is dedicated to strengthening the human-animal bond and the humane treatment of animals by educating the next generation about responsible pet ownership.
Our presentations are available for your classroom, scout group, local library, camp, or other group. Depending on the program content, some may also be offered at our shelter or virtually. All programs promote respect, responsibility, and empathy for both pets and other people.
Detailed information about our programs can be found below. To download our Humane Education brochure, please click HERE.
ARRI's New Exclusive Children's Book: Sugar's Story!

Sugar’s Story, a book for children ages 8-12, is about a puppy named Sugar who is adopted from an animal shelter by a loving family and then escapes from her backyard. The story takes young readers on Sugar’s journey, from a barn to a shelter to a home, and then through her experience of getting lost and being found. The book is filled with lessons about kindness, love, and responsibility.
Sugar’s Story was exclusively produced by Animal Rescue Rhode Island. It was written by Jane Greco Deming, who has worked in the fields of animal welfare, humane education, and zoo management for more than 45 years, and was illustrated by Sue Greco, a local independent art teacher.
To purchase your copy please email Madeline at mbataille@animalrescueri.org. Books can be picked up at ARRI or mailed to you.
All proceeds benefit the pets at ARRI.
ARRI ANIMAL SCHOLARS comprises a variety of classes for all ages, including:

This program, which never says “bite”, is designed for children K-2nd. It is designed specifically for this grade level, but also seems to help adults understand some of the triggers that cause dogs to bite. Instead of discussing why dogs bite, we elicit empathy by asking children how dogs might feel when you take a toy or cookie they are guarding or wake them when they are fast asleep. This workshop helps children understand how dogs feel and how kids can be safe around both the dogs they know and the dogs they don’t know. It includes a 12-minute DVD of kids talking to kids about dog safety. We hope it will help participants to have a rewarding long-term relationship with their dogs.
The entire program is about 45 minutes.
It is important to note that the CDC states that 3.5 million children a year are bitten by dogs. The worst injuries are to young children. Most bites occur with a familiar or family dog, and most are preventable with a little education!

This program is designed for children 4 to 6 yrs. It’s a storyboard presentation that discusses the needs of pets and how pets feel. It is designed to teach children to be caring pet owners and to develop empathy. “Introduction to Pets” is best presented in small groups with young learners seated on the floor and the presenter in a chair.
This presentation lasts 35 to 40 minutes.

We offer two versions of this presentation based on age/grade: 2nd to 4th and 5th to 8th.
Our Pet Responsibility program is a great reminder about the huge commitment that pets require. We discuss how long different pets live and how much time they require to be well adjusted and happy. We cover how important cleaning, proper diets, and veterinary care are for all pets, and how those practices contribute to longer, healthier lives. Most importantly, we remind the students that responsibility begins with making the best choice for each family. Finally, we encourage and promote a wonderful human/animal bond and the value of that bond to the pet and the people.
This program will be 60 minutes for young learners and 80 minutes for older students, where we discuss pet overpopulation and animal welfare more broadly.

This program has two versions: K-2nd and 3rd & up. This is a native wildlife presentation that provides a look into the lives of the animals we share our community with and their habitats and behavior. Many children are familiar with the more common species but have no idea of the amazing variety that live in our community. We provide a display of artifacts and field guides and offer opportunities for questions and answers. The focus of this presentation is to help children appreciate the habitats and animal diversity of our small state and to learn to share their space with nature. Activity sheets will be included.
Depending on the age group, this program runs for 60 to 90 minutes

This program was especially developed for Scout Troop members ages 6-10. It may qualify them for a pet care patch. Attendance should be a maximum of 18 participants. We walk them through the needs of pets and why it’s important to research and learn what each type of pet needs to be happy and healthy. Using a bag filled with items related to responsibility, each participant takes out an item, and one at a time the Scouts are asked to discuss their item and how it relates to being a good pet owner. The leader is also provided with a packet containing more information and suggested activities to help the Scouts qualify for their “Pet Care Patch.”
This program is about 90 minutes.

This presentation offers two versions: one for Middle School and one for High School. There are many opportunities today for students interested in animal-related careers. We can present a program to a class or group, or we are happy to set up a booth for a career day event. We offer information about potential employment for those not going to college and opportunities for those who are continuing their education. This program covers every career from farming to veterinary medicine, from zookeeping to animal training, and lots in between. It can be tailored to meet the needs of almost any career day event.
The length of this program is determined by need.

This program is designed for grades 3 and up. Although a student may have had an experience with an animal shelter, for many, the inner workings are a mystery. Our goal with this presentation is to take the group on a visual tour of a shelter and explore all the facets, departments, chores, and responsibilities that happen daily. We discuss why animals end up in shelters (including some surprising statistics), the measures taken to make decisions, and animal care and feeding right through the adoption process. The inner workings of a shelter require many skill sets and a great deal of compassion, and sometimes come with heartbreak.
This program runs 60 minutes.
All of our presentations include time for Q & A. We provide packets of materials, which provide take home messages, to share with the students. Inside those packets are activity sheets (you are welcome to copy), suggested post-visit activities, evaluation forms, suggested reading for the age/grade of participants, and many resources. In some cases, we may include a live animal in the presentation. This will be discussed when making reservations.
To learn more about scheduling a program, please send an email marked ARRI Animal Scholars to education@animalrescueri.org.